Remixing Key Creation

I revamped a product workflow, simplifying a core software experience for multi-family property owners: providing new keys to apartment residents.

Key Highlights


  1. Design an experience that requires low learnability

  2. Improve the satisfaction with the workflow of making keys


Lead Interaction Designer
(software + hardware)


Wireframes, audio sounds


8 weeks

Success Measurements

  1. Decrease time of system learnability

  2. Increase success of key creation

  3. Improve hardware feedback


The Project

Imagine you run a multi-family property building with 50+ units, everyone has the same key for the pool, Then someone makes a copy, and now everyone has access to your pool. The list of security concerns for both your residents and even the unwelcome guests inflates faster than an inner tube. Now you have to rekey the pool, and get everyone a new one. Oof.

I worked on an Allegion product called Zentra that was focused on providing a best in class access control software platform and hardware for multifamily property owners, making managing the above process less painful.

Zentra aimed to serve two types of customers: those with ordinary mechanical lock and key, & some with existing electronic locks on their doors. Both types of keying processes are costly, inefficient, and in many ways not insecure. 

  1. Mechanical: Each time a resident moved out of an apartment, the door locks would need to be manually turned over by swapping out the inner lock cores, and new keys distributed. 

  2. Electronic locks: Many places with e-locks already installed required multiple systems & multiple key types; and what's worse, the software was hard to use.

My job in this remix was to make ensure Zentra's core workflow was simple enough that anyone on the street to do it. 

Who were we trying to serve?

There were 2 personas that this workflow would impact. We reviewed this existing data to remind us of what to keep in mind as we worked toward solutions.

a female property manager

Property Managers Primary

Property Managers

Success Looks Like: Ensuring the best possible experience for residents, managing third party services, and decreasing Net Operating Income (NOI)

Pain Points: Multiple systems for access management and training to them, resident lock-outs

a female property owner

Property Owners Secondary

Property Owners

Success Looks Like: Return on Investment (ROI) for property, leased up buildings, and resident security

Pain Points: Lots of travel between sites, turnover and staff training, different softwares at individual sites to cover unmet needs.

Why did design matter in this project?

One word: Risk. If you want to build a best in class experience, you need to know what is and isn’t serving your customers right now. The product team didn’t feel like we had that, so we did a cognitive walk through with some experts, and decided quickly that designing concepts and gathering customer feedback would need to become a priority.


What wasn't working?

The team chose to benchmark success against another existing competitive software in-use. After observing this workflow in action, and viewing available internal data, we determined a few core pain points:

High Failure Rate

Manage Bookings

Of attempted keys made, 15% failed. This was due to both hardware & software issues.

High Learning Curve

Property owners saw their time drained trying to upskill hires or paying 3rd party consultants.

Poor system feeback

It's hard to know where you stand if you aren't given a notice of success or failure.

Low Affordances

Multiple primary buttons, poor contrast, and a clunky workflow we in abundance

The problem statements

Property Manager

Manage Bookings

  • As a property manager

  • When a resident signs a lease

  • l want to give them access to their apartment

  • So that they can move in 

  • But making their access has a lot of particular steps and I don’t always remember what I need to do

Property Owner

  • As a property owner

  • When there's a new hire managing my property

  • l want to not have to spend a lot of time training them

  • So that I can focus on dealing with other projects at other properties

  • But the tools we have in place are complex and I don’t always have time to dedicate to upskilling them

Internal challenges

Not only did we have customer problems to solve, there were a couple of challenges we faced inside as well:

Timing was less than ideal

Firmware releases for hardware are only released once every 6 months at the company. This is due to an organization wide structure. For us it meant that whatever was passed on for development would be in production for that long. Stakes felt higher, and intentional design to be learned from was critical here.

Too Many Cooks

This project required a lot of enterprise-wide knowledge and expertise in a very short amount of time. Hardware and software teams work in different silos across the organization. Finding ways and time for everyone to stay on the same page felt impossible. We solved communication issues by agreeing on an established source of truth, which was our experience brief, outlining the intended workflow for the user base.

We believe that by providing an experience for creating resident access that utilizes more reliable hardware, provides adequate feedback, and a simpler process, would result in a more reliable (<5% failure rate) and a usability score (>3.5/5)


Adding a resident

I designed a workflow that accounted for the overall job to be done of giving a resident access. The design’s intention was centered around one word: assurance. It starts with adding someone to the system.

wireframe of adding a resident
wireframe of adding a resident
wireframe of adding a resident

Making the Key

Due to technical constraints, there needed to be a lot of steps. We decided to separate the workflows of creating users from creating keys because of how complex the key creation steps needed to be.

wireframe of creating a key screen
wireframe of creating a key screen
wireframe of creating a key screen

If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far, go together

Another Road Bump

We needed to also create the hardware feedback sounds and sights to match the process designed with the screen experience.

I would consider this to be the most challenging portion of this project. I worked with an industrial design partner to implement some best practices that we could apply to the hardware that would work alongside the software. I was given an excel spreadsheet of (specific) tones, but had no hardware to test the sounds with. But this is where I got creative.

I found an online arduino simulator I could use to code the tones that could closely mimic the success and failure sounds. For all intents and purposes, it worked.




After preparing the rough prototype to test, we put a sample in front of 5 random people to understand if the hardware sounds, colors, and software screens matched a common mental model good enough for helping anyone understand how to create a key. Here's the scores:





* reliability would be measured at a later time post launch

Adding some polish

Here's a click glance of where things landed after the dust settled.


Looking Back

The juice was worth the squeeze

We spent about 3 weeks of design time, and 2 sprints worth of engineering time. The cost of development was about 50K all in to put out a product the team felt confident about. That might not sound like a lot, but investing that much in a core workflow was money well spent, especially when it’s something customers would have to use without changes for 6 months.

Cross-pollinate teams for more opportunities

Design and research worked with a partner in Industrial design, and one of the outcomes of that partnership was a recommended change to the default hardware to change the LED feedback colors of red and green since that color combination posed an accessibility risk to those with red/green color blindness.

Design for the whole

Creating this experience required thinking not just about the digital screens and steps, but also the physical aspects including auditory and visual. I embraced the challenges that came with it.

Credits: UI - Nick Richardson; Research - Ginger White

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